Tag Archives: patient satisfaction

Patient Experience

Patient-Provider Communication in a Diverse Culture

Patients and families benefit from strategies that empower them to actively participate with clinicians. The nuance of understanding required to support effective healthcare relationships, however, can be hard to achieve when communication styles make it difficult for clinicians and patients to understand each other. In addition to other stresses, English spoken with regional or foreign […]


Lorri Zipperer Lorri Zipperer, MA, is the principal at Zipperer Project Management in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Lorri was a founding staff member of the US-based National Patient Safety Foundation. Through her work, she promotes a systems-safety orientation to evidence, information and knowledge service (EIK). Lorri's efforts focus on bringing multidisciplinary teams together to envision, design and implement EIK initiatives. She has also been the development editor for the US government-funded AHRQ Patient Safety Network since its inception. Lorri was recognized with an Institute for Safe Medication Practices “Cheers” award for her work with librarians, libraries and their involvement in patient safety. She has designed classes and outreach focused on the value of a system-oriented approach to evidence and information access as a strategy to mitigate diagnostic error. Ms Zipperer spearheaded and contributed to two edited texts on knowledge management and evidence, information and knowledge transfer in patient safety. Her recent editorial collaborations with The Risk Authority Stanford include two projects supporting innovation in healthcare risk management. In her spare time, Lorri is a mystery novelist.

Lorri Zipperer has 1 post(s) at EngagingPatients.org

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Advancing Health Literacy

Patient Satisfaction Is Linked to Knowledge

How do we improve patient satisfaction and experience while reducing overall healthcare costs? Create knowledgeable patients. As reported in Modern Healthcare, a study published in 2013 found that patients who feel they have the “knowledge, skills and confidence to make healthy choices and informed medical decisions were less costly than those who felt they lacked […]


Randi Redmond Oster Randi Redmond Oster is author of Questioning Protocol, which helps patients navigate the healthcare system and medical professionals understand the patient perspective. She is a nationally acclaimed speaker on healthcare reform, shared decision-making and patient engagement. Randi spent approximately 20 years working at GE on complex aerospace systems and building profitable financial services businesses. She received a Black Belt in Six Sigma Quality and numerous leadership awards. The skills she gained at GE empowered her to effectively navigate the healthcare system and find opportunities for process improvements as she advocated in hospitals on behalf of her chronically ill son. Randi is president of Help Me Health, a business focused on the transformation of how healthcare thinks about and delivers patient experiences to achieve better outcomes and a better bottom line.

Randi Redmond Oster has 4 post(s) at EngagingPatients.org

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Data-Driven Insights

What We Learned about Patient Experience at Consumer Reports

  Few health researchers have the chance to survey hundreds of thousands of American consumers on health topics but we did just that as leaders of the research teams that led, designed, fielded and reported patient experience data at Consumer Reports from 2008 to 2013. From ADHD to weight loss, from back pain to laser […]


Elissa Schuler Adair, PhD and Mark Kotkin, PhD Elissa Schuler Adair, PhD, Senior Scholar, Center for Ethics in Health, Oregon Health & Science University. A consumer health advocate, data scientist and trained ethnographer, she is an independent consultant to non-profit, media, government and entrepreneurial initiatives based in Portland, Oregon. Mark Kotkin, PhD, served on the Consumer Reports Survey Research team for 27 years, retiring as its Director.

Elissa Schuler Adair, PhD and Mark Kotkin, PhD has 1 post(s) at EngagingPatients.org

Race and Ethnicity in Medicine

Applying the Race and Ethnicity Lens Offers a New View of Patient Engagement

Two elderly, low-income women, one black and one Hispanic, visit the same doctor. During each appointment, the doctor makes some suggestions. The black woman disagrees and speaks up; the Hispanic woman disagrees and stays silent. Later, the black woman decides to switch physicians; the Hispanic woman does nothing. Stereotyping? Not at all. The scenario above […]


Michael L. Millenson, President, Health Quality Advisors LLC Michael L. Millenson, president of Health Quality Advisors LLC, Highland Park, IL, is a nationally recognized expert on quality of care improvement, patient-centered care and web-based health. He is the author of the critically acclaimed book, Demanding Medical Excellence: Doctors and Accountability in the Information Age, and he is adjunct associate professor of medicine in the Department of Medicine at Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine. National Public Radio called him “in the vanguard of the movement” to measure and improve American medicine. Prior to starting his own firm, Millenson was a principal in the health-care practice of a major human resources consulting firm. Before that, he was a healthcare reporter for the Chicago Tribune, where he was nominated three times for a Pulitzer Prize. He serves on the boards of the American Journal of Medical Quality and Project Patient Care.

Michael L. Millenson, President, Health Quality Advisors has 20 post(s) at EngagingPatients.org

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