Category Archives: Electronic Health Records

Electronic Health Records, Uncategorized

Portals from the Patient’s Point of View

A few weeks ago, I reported on a national survey that measured patient use of internet portals that give patients access to their electronic medical records. I also reflected on my own experience with online access to personal health information. Recently, OpenNotes, a movement that advocates and facilities patient access to their clinicians’ visit notes,* […]


Susan Carr Susan Carr is a medical editor and writer specializing in patient safety and engagement. In addition to curating the EngagingPatients blog, she produces publications for the Betsy Lehman Center in Boston and the Society to Improve Diagnosis in Medicine. Susan lives and works in Lunenburg, Massachusetts.

Susan Carr has 185 post(s) at

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Electronic Health Records

I access my personal health information online. Do you?

A large national study recently asked how many patients, among a large group given internet access to their medical records, actually use that capability. Disappointingly, confoundingly, after billions of federal dollars spent to incentivize hospitals and physician practices to implement electronic health records, and a well-developed consumer movement trained on gaining electronic access to personal […]


Susan Carr Susan Carr is a medical editor and writer specializing in patient safety and engagement. In addition to curating the EngagingPatients blog, she produces publications for the Betsy Lehman Center in Boston and the Society to Improve Diagnosis in Medicine. Susan lives and works in Lunenburg, Massachusetts.

Susan Carr has 185 post(s) at

Check out my: Twitter

Electronic Health Records

Being the Customer and the Car

In a blog post about engaging patients in the process of purchasing electronic health record (EHR) systems, Jared Jeffery compares healthcare to auto repair: I don’t necessarily care what software my mechanic is using―I just want my car fixed. It’s the same for my healthcare! On further reflection, Jeffery changes his mind about that. He doesn’t […]


Susan Carr Susan Carr is a medical editor and writer specializing in patient safety and engagement. In addition to curating the EngagingPatients blog, she produces publications for the Betsy Lehman Center in Boston and the Society to Improve Diagnosis in Medicine. Susan lives and works in Lunenburg, Massachusetts.

Susan Carr has 185 post(s) at

Check out my: Twitter