Category Archives: Patient Engagement and Safety

Patient Engagement and Safety

The Case of the Missing Consent Form

A couple of years ago, I underwent hip surgery at a large Atlanta hospital. During the admissions process, I was asked to sign a consent form. The clerk handed me a single piece of paper with a signature block. In the footer of the page it read, “Page 5 of 8.” I asked the clerk […]


Timothy Kelly, MS, MBA Timothy Kelly is a director at Taylor Healthcare where he is responsible for patient education and patient follow-up technology solutions. Tim has spent 25 years in the medical software/medical device industries, including service at Dialog Medical and C.R. Bard, Inc. His areas of interest include engagement strategies, patient safety and shared decision-making research. Tim serves as Taylor Healthcare's representative on the National Quality Forum, and is a member of ASHRM, HIMSS and ACRP. He publishes frequently on the subject of informed consent and recently presented on that topic at the 2014 ACRP, AHIMA and ASHRM Conferences.

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