Category Archives: 2017 Sherman Award Finalist

2017 Sherman Award Finalist

Brigham Health: Safety Matters

Editor’s Note: With remarkable transparency, Brigham Health uses the Safety Matters blog to report patient safety mistakes and near misses and share what they’ve learned. The blog also provides educational information for patients and a forum for input from the community. For this program, Brigham Health was named a finalist for the 2017 Sherman Award for Excellence in […]


Catherine Ulbricht Catherine (Kate) Ulbricht received a bachelor of science degree from University of Connecticut, doctorate of pharmacy from Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Allied Health Sciences, and master in business administration from Northeastern University. Kate has served as a senior attending clinical pharmacist at Massachusetts General Hospital and assistant professor at multiple universities since 1996. She founded an international research collaboration providing evidence-based decision support tools promoting patient safety. Her publications include hundreds of peer-reviewed scientific articles, book chapters and texts. Kate helps propel Brigham and Women's Hospital Joint Commission/National Patient Safety Goals, transparency, and related educational efforts forward.

Catherine Ulbricht, PharmD, MBA, CPPS has 1 post(s) at

2017 Sherman Award Finalist

Students Support Community Health on Their Way to Health Professions

Editor’s Note:The Health Professions Affinity Community (HPAC) program at Northeast Ohio Medical University was named a finalist for the 2017 Sherman Award for Excellence in Patient Engagement. The HPAC program promotes community health by empowering high school students to address persistent health disparities and challenges by enacting health projects in their communities. The program supports […]


Gina Weisblat Gina Weisblat is a faculty member in the Department of Family and Community Medicine and the director of education for service at Northeast Ohio Medical University. She is a National Kresge Scholar (2011-2013), winning this distinction with her asset-based paradigm model. Her research interests include evaluation of STEM education, non-profit organizational development, and advancing the talents and skills of underrepresented and underprivileged populations.

Gina Weisblat has 1 post(s) at