Category Archives: 2016 JQS Award Finalist

2016 JQS Award Finalist

Real-Time, Intentional Patient and Family Check-Ins: A Catalyst for Cultural Change

As the mother of a son who was a long-time patient here at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP), I understand what it is like to experience many aspects of our vast healthcare network. Today, my son is healthy and has successfully transitioned to adult care and I am enjoying my “dream come true” job of […]

Kathryn Conaboy, Manager Patient & Family Experience A long-time champion for Patient and Family-Centered Health Care, Kathryn Conaboy is currently Patient and Family Experience Manager for The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. She combines more than 20 years of senior level experience in consumer marketing, communications, research and customer service with her decades-long journey as mother and advocate for a complex pediatric patient to create successful communication and behavior strategies that improve the patient and family experience. She has presented at several International Conferences for the Institute for Patient and Family Centered Care and recently co-authored an article about CHOP's Family Partners Program that was published in the Patient Experience Journal.

Kathryn Conaboy, Manager Patient & Family Experience has 1 post(s) at

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2016 JQS Award Finalist

COPD process redesign improves patient experience and boosts patient engagement

So, what do you do when you realize care is not as efficient and easy as it could be for a person seeking your help with a medical problem? You consider process redesign. That is exactly as it was for some of our patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). There did not seem to […]


Vera DePalo, MD Vera A. De Palo, MD, FCCP, a Pulmonary Medicine and Intensive Care specialist, is the Chief Medical Officer at Signature Healthcare, Brockton Massachusetts. Dr. De Palo is Associate Professor of Medicine at the Alpert Medical School of Brown University and has 23 years of clinical experience and 15 years of administrative experience. Her focuses include quality improvement, patient safety, and program development.

Vera DePalo, MD has 1 post(s) at

2016 JQS Award Finalist

Rethinking How to Deeply Engage Patients and Improve their Experience of Care

Virginia Mason is an urban integrated health system in the Puget Sound, Washington region, with our flagship campus located in downtown Seattle. Like most healthcare organizations, we strive to actively engage patients in their clinical care. We are guided by our strategic plan that puts the patient at the top of its pyramid format to […]