Tag Archives: patient advocacy

Giving Voice to Patients

The Walking Gallery and Social Media

The other night I sat alone in my home office correcting some errors in a piece about my work. I am sure the reporter on the story thought she used the right word to describe The Walking Gallery. She called it a foundation. Now if by her word choice she meant a sturdy platform upon […]


Regina Holliday Regina Holliday is a Maryland-based patient rights arts advocate. Regina began painting a series of murals depicting the need for clarity and transparency in medical records. This advocacy mission was inspired by her husband Frederick Allen Holliday II and his struggle to get appropriate care during 11 weeks of continuous hospitalization at 5 facilities. After his death resulting from kidney cancer on June 17, 2009, she began painting a mural entitled “73 cents." It depicts the Holliday family’s journey through the medical system. This painting became part of the national healthcare debate and was covered by news sources such as ABC, CBS, BBC and peer-reviewed journals such as the BMJ. Regina also paints on canvas at medical conferences throughout the U.S. She paints the concepts discussed and presents them through a patient’s view. In addition, she began a health advocacy movement called “The Walking Gallery.” The Gallery consists of a loose confederation of artists, medical providers, technicians and advocates who wear patient-centered care paintings on the backs of business suits.

Regina Holliday has 1 post(s) at EngagingPatients.org

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Family Engagement

Laying the Foundation for Improved Outcomes

As a patient advocate for 10-plus years for my father, mother, and now for my spouse who has chronic heart disease, the topic of patient engagement really hits home. It’s becoming increasingly clear to me that if the healthcare industry is to succeed in reducing readmissions and improving outcomes, engagement must include the family. It […]


Christine Winters Curator of EngagingPatients.org, Christine has a passion for healthcare -- enhancing the patient experience and patient safety. As an advocate for family members with Alzheimer's and heart disease, she takes a personal interest in the transformation of healthcare and looks for opportunities to play a role.

Christine Winters has 8 post(s) at EngagingPatients.org

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