Republished with permission from NurseZone, a web portal for nurses that features the latest healthcare news and information.
Engaging patients in their own health care and helping them work in tandem with the care team has become one of the key themes in modern medical practice. The goal is to prevent illness, promote wellness and improve health outcomes, and nurses have a key role to play. They are being asked to expand their normal educational role, helping patients care for chronic conditions and make lifestyle changes–often with the aid of technology.
The nurse’s role in patient engagement
Debi Sampsel, DNP, MSN, BA, RN, said person-centered, customized care delivery systems engage the patient in decision making and accountability far greater than the previous passive learning techniques.
“Promoting patient education has always been a part of our nursing role and obligation to the patient,” said Debi Sampsel, DNP, MSN, BA, RN, chief officer of innovation and entrepreneurship at the University of Cincinnati’s College of Nursing in Ohio. “It has been a long-standing practice that nurses involve the patient across the life span in their own care.”
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