Committed to transforming care from hospital-centric to patient-centric, The Hospital & Healthsystem Association of Pennsylvania (HAP) is providing our members with a carefully crafted plan along with the training and tools to give voice to patients statewide. Patients are our inspiration and guiding lights as presented in this video blog, featuring Kirsten’s story.
Unable to talk after a stroke, Kirsten Nicole Harris Keys worked hard at her recovery, regained her voice, and returned to normal life. Now she speaks out whenever she can about the importance of partnering with health care providers to take charge of your own health.
Kirsten joined the HAP Patient and Family Advisory Council, the first such statewide organization in the country. The council gives patients like Kirsten a forum to help Pennsylvania hospitals improve the way they engage with patients and families about their health care.
Editor’s Note: The Hospital & Healthsystem Association of Pennsylvania has given its members a “track to run on.” It’s a model that’s being replicated in hospital after hospital and serves as a template for hospital associations across the country. It’s for these reasons HAP was a finalist for the John Q. Sherman Award for Excellence in Patient Engagement. You can learn more about the program and its results in HAP’s award nomination which is featured here.