Tag Archives: Armano Nahum

Sepsis Awareness

World Sepsis Day 2019: Raising Awareness for Patients and Families

Editor’s note: To recognize the 8th World Sepsis Day—tomorrow, September 13, 2019—Engaging Patients offers an Encore Presentation about the MedStar Health Sepsis Collaborative, which won a Sherman Award in 2018. The Collaborative is a system-wide initiative across 10 hospitals to engage patients and family members in raising awareness of sepsis in the community. World Sepsis Day is sponsored by […]

Sepsis Awareness

Collaborating with Patients and Families to Raise Awareness of Sepsis

Editor’s note: September is Sepsis Awareness Month, a time to amplify efforts to improve awareness, education, treatment and prevention of a condition that’s responsible for 250,000 deaths each year in the United States. The Sepsis Alliance designated September as SAM in 2011, and in 2012 joined the Global Sepsis Alliance in declaring September 13 as World Sepsis Day. […]


Jeanne DeCosmo is the director of clinical quality at MedStar Health. She is the co-lead of the MedStar Health Sepsis Collaborative and served on the team responsible for implementing Patient and Family Advisory Councils for Quality and Safety at each MedStar entity. Immediately prior to coming to MedStar Health, Jeanne served as VP Quality Policy and Advocacy, and Director of Workforce Development at the Maryland Hospital Association. She led numerous state-wide quality improvement efforts to reduce healthcare associated infections and served as co-lead for the nurse retention collaborative. Jeanne received her BSN from the University Of Maryland School Of Nursing and her MBA at Hood College in Frederick Maryland.

Jeanne DeCosmo, BSN, MBA, CPHQ has 2 post(s) at EngagingPatients.org